DogLog App FAQs
1. What is a pack?
Your Pack is composed of your pets and all of the people who take care of your pet.
2. How do I create a pack?
To create a new pack, click on the Settings tab and then click on the Back to Home Page button.
In the Home Page, click the Form a Pack button.
Add your pack’s name, pets’ name, a picture for each pet, and invite members to your pack. Please see #3 for instructions on how to add members.
Click the Done button.
3. How do I add someone to my pack?
To add a new member to your pack, click on the Settings tab and then click on the Pack Preferences button.
Click on the Invite Users to Pack button.
Search for the new members by typing their email address or full name and then clicking on the Search button.
Select the button to the right of the correct name
After adding all the desired users, click on the Invite button.
The users you added can now join your pack.
4. How do I invite someone new to DogLog to my Pack?
To add a new member to your pack, click on the Settings tab and then click on the Pack Preferences button.
Click on the Invite Users to Pack button.
Click on Generate new Invite Code link.
Select the app to use to send the code and send the message.
Your friend will then enter the code into DogLog after downloading the app.
5. How do I remove someone from my pack?
Tip: Only the pack moderator can remove members from the pack.
To remove a member to your pack, click on the Settings tab and then click on the Pack Preferences button.
Click on the Remove Members from Pack button.
Select the button to the right of the desired members.
Click the Remove button.
6. How do I join a pack?
In the Home Page, click the Join a Pack button.
All of your pack invitations are visible on this page. Click on the green ✓ button to accept invitations or click on the red X button to reject invitations.
After accepting a pack invitation, you can add activities to the Log. Please see #8 for instructions on how to add an activity to the Log.
If you are new to DogLog, ask your friend to send you a Pack invite code. You can enter the code in the first screen after signing up for DogLog. You can also add it by going to the Home Page and then clicking on the Join a Pack button.
7. How do I log an event for my pet(s)?
To add an activity, navigate to the Events tab.
After finding the desired activity, click on the button.
Select the pets this activity will get logged for. All pets you select will get the same event time and comment. If desired, add a comment.
You can also edit the time/date and add a photo.
Press the OK button to confirm the activity.
8. How do I change my pet’s picture?
To change your pets picture, click on the Settings tab and then click on the Pack Preferences button.Click on Change Pet Picture. If you have more than one pet, swipe left or right to find the pet whose picture you want to change.
Click on Take Photo or Upload Photo.
After selecting the desired photo, click Save.
9. How do I add an additional pet to my pack?
Tip: A Pack has 3 pets max. If you buy the premium features, you can have unlimited pets in your Pack.
To add an additional pet to your pack, click on the Settings tab and then click on the Pack Preferences button.
Click on Add Additional Pet to Pack.
Enter your pet’s name.
Click on Take Photo or Upload Photo. Press Save.
10. How do I enable push notifications?
To enable push notifications, go to the iPhone Settings app.
Click on the section called Notifications.
Click on the DogLog section.
Click on Allow Notification. You will now receive notifications from DogLog when an activity is logged
11. How do I disable pack notifications?
To disable notifications from a pack, click on the Settings tab and then click on the Pack Preferences button.
Disable the toggle next to Receive Pack Notifications.
12. How do I use the Statistics page?
In the Statistics page, you will find the number of activities logged per Time Period and the average number of activities logged per that Time Period.
To access the Statistics page, navigate to the Info tab.
Four inputs are used to visualize the charts:
Pets, Event type, Time Period, Caregiver
Change any of the inputs by clicking on the red selections to the right of each input type.
13. How do I add a photo?
To add a photo with an event, navigate to the Events tab.
Select the event you want to log and then click on the Add a Photo icon.
To add a photo without an event, navigate to the Events tab.
Click on the camera icon in the upper right corner. Select the photo from the Gallery or take a photo at that time.
14. How do I filter photos?
To filter photos, go to the Log tab.
Click on the filter icon and select See photos only.
15. How do I share photos from DogLog?
To share a photo from your DogLog log, find the photo you want to share and click on the Share icon.
16. How do I comment on a logged event?
To comment on an event, go to the Log tab.
Click on the speech bubble icon.
Type the comment and click on Send. The event will now show that a comment was added.
17. How do I view comments on a logged event?
To view a comment made on an event, go to the Log tab.
An event with a comment will show as red or be filled with the number of comments.
Click on the speech bubble icon, which will open the comments view.
18. How do I create custom reusable actions?
To create a custom reusable action, navigate to the Events tab.
Click on the + sign in the upper right corner. Select “Reusable Action” and type the Action name.
In the next page, select the desired icon and the category in which the action will reside. Press Save. You will now be able to log that action.
19. How do I create a one time custom event?
To create a custom reusable action, navigate to the Events tab.
Click on the + sign in the upper right corner.
Select “One Time Action” and type the Action name.
If desired, add a comment and a photo. Press Save.
20. How do I edit or delete a logged event?
To add an activity, navigate to the Events tab.
After finding the desired activity, swipe left on the event.
Click on the Edit or Delete button. If editing, make the changes and click Save.
21. How to I edit the Pet Profile?
To add an activity, navigate to the Info tab.
At the top of the screen, click on the Profile tab. Then click on the Edit button in the upper right corner.
Click to the right of the field you want to enter and type in the desired text. Click on Save.
22. How can I track my pet’s weight?
To track your pet’s weight, go to the Events tab and find the Weight button.
Enter your pet’s weight and add comments or a photo if you desire. Press the Finish button.
To compare the weights in a chart, click on the Info tab and scroll down to the Weight chart. There you can see the weight changes over time and the average weight.
23. How can I track my pet’s temperature?
To track your pet’s temperature, go to the Events tab and find the Temperature button.
Enter your pet’s temperature and add comments or a photo if you desire. Press the Finish button.
To compare the different logs temperature in a chart, click on the Info tab and scroll down to the Temperature chart. There you can see the temperature changes over time and the average temperature.
24. How do I create a reminder?
To create a reminder, go to the Reminders tab.
Click on the + sign in the upper right corner.
Enter a title for the reminder. Select the time, date, and if the reminder is one-time or repeats. You can also enter a lead time and notes if you desire. Click on the Save button.
25. How do I edit or delete a Reminder?
To edit a reminder, go to the Reminders tab.
Click on the reminder you want to edit and click on the Edit button in the upper right corner. Make the desired changes and click on the Save button.
26. How do I edit or delete a Reminder?
To delete a reminder, go to the Reminders tab.
Click on the radio button of the reminder you want to delete and after the reminder is selected, click on the Delete button.
27. If I remove a Pack member from the Pack, what happens to their data?
When a Pack member is removed from a Pack, all of their previously logged events remain in the Pack with their name on it.
28. How do I delete my DogLog account?
To delete your DogLog account, go to the Settings tab. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on Delete My DogLog Account. Lastly, confirm that you want to delete your account.
29. How can I cancel my DogLog Premium subscription?
For iOS, please follow the instructions in this link from Apple
For Android, please follow the instructions in this link from Google.